The son of Colonel Muammar Gadaffi has told The Sunday Times that Libya bought plans to make a nuclear bomb from Pakistani scientists for “millions of pounds”.This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.
In an interview to the British newspaper in Tripoli, Saif al-Islam Gadaffi, 32, said Libya had spent $40 million on nuclear components, including centrifuges, from a variety of black market dealers, including Pakistani scientists. Some of the material came from Malaysia and various Asian countries, he said. Other components had been bought on the black market in South Africa. Daily Times Similar reports from Indian Express, Sify, Al Bawaba, The Australian and a good op-ed from Newsweek. Unfortunately, the guys just dont see it:
There is little doubt now that there is an organised and well-coordinated campaign to besmear Pakistan as an irresponsible nuclear state which has failed to ensure the security of its nuclear secrets and some of whose nuclear experts have been passing on information, either for money or for ideological or political reasons. Khalid Hasan, Daily Times
“This is total madness,” Information Minister Sheik Rashid Ahmed told the (Associated Press). “The report is absolutely false, and there is no truth in it.”
The most reasonable Pakistani reaction comes from Zack (via Procrastination) who contends that Khan the Centrifugist always demonstrated a megalomanic streak and hence have operated independently. But I do not agree with the view that Pakistan is blameless just because other countries too were part of the nuclear supply chain. Pakistan sold nuclear technology to the most terrible regimes of our times - North Korea, Libya and Iran; possibly Al Qaeda, Myanmar and Iraq too.
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