December 4, 2003Security

Non Proliferation White Paper and Reactor Sale to Pakistan

China released its white paper its non-proliferation policy the same day as it was announced that it is helping Pakistan with the Chashma-II reactor project.
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Such a open declaration of intentions is a welcome development from the hitherto inscrutable China. But whether the document is for public display’ or for actual implementation is yet a moot point. Can China be held to its promises?

The white paper could also be designed to assure the international community, particularly the United States, that China is not exporting missile or other weapons technology and has the apparatus in place to prevent such transfers.

The United States has complained that Chinese military support for Pakistan in the past has included ballistic missiles and help for its nuclear weapons program - charges China denies. Washington has imposed sanctions on several Chinese companies, accusing them of improperly exporting missile-related technologies.

On Wednesday, Pakistani officials said China, Islamabad’s main arms supplier, will sell it a second nuclear power plant next year.Guardian Unlimited

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