November 21, 2003Security

The Bad Bargain - update

Some updates on the IC814 hijacking in 2000. It appears that the American FBI and Indian CBI are cooperating on this case - probably to arrest the five hijackers who are in Pakistan. While this is all very nice to show how long the arm of the law is, and how the FBI and CBI are working hand in hand, its not likely that Pakistan will ever hand over the five hijackers. Masood Azhar, after his release from prison in India has pursued an unprecedented & public campaign of violence and vitriol. Is his arrest and prosecution ever likely?
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

From the Rubaiya Saeed incident in 1990 to IC814 in 2000, India’s policy of negotiating with terrorists has brought about an impression that the Indian state is a soft-target. While there should be no let up in the prosecution of the perpetrators through legal channels, what India should learn is that there is no merit in negotiating with terrorists.

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