October 5, 2003
☼ Foreign Affairs
India alone on this one : Vir Sanghvi
Vir Sanghvi wrote a good piece in Sunday’s Hindustan Times. He advocates that there is no point is expecting the Bush Administration to solve India’s problems as it has its own short term interests to pursue. There is no use pretending that the American War on Terror will cause Pakistan to ditch its irredentist agenda.
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.
India alone on this one : Vir Sanghvi
But let’s forget about any support from Washington on Kashmir. On this one, we are on our own. And the way ahead is not to look to Bush or Collin Powell or Condoleezza Rice but to develop our own security strategy. America needs to court the General.
But we need to teach him a lesson he won’t forget.

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