This is Nitin Pai's cyberspace.
Covert action is an instrument of statecraft
I am unimpressed with arguments that suggest that liberal democracies do not engage in targeted killings. | 25th Sep 2023
The essence of engineering
Engineering is a mindset that anyone can cultivate...even without an engineering degree. | 15th Sep 2023
Why I don’t like the word “hustle”
It might legitimise an amoral approach to business and normalise unscrupulous behaviour in the entrepreneural eco-system. | 11th Sep 2023
China’s economic problems mark the end of its geopolitical rise
Consistent with my 2018 assessment, Xi Jinping's undoing of Deng's reforms have led Chinese to be pessimistic about their future. | 28th Aug 2023
Replace JEE with a lottery for IIT admissions
Test preparation is corroding real education; shifting incentives away from competitive entrance exams is in the public interest | 21st Aug 2023
The immediate and important task for AI policy is to govern the industry
India should prevent the concentration of market & technological power in the hands of a few | 14th Aug 2023
Rajasthan gig worker welfare law needs improvement
Instead of empowering the individual worker, the Act empowers government officials. | 31st Jul 2023
India is less violent than it used to be
Amit Ahuja and Devesh Kapur have put together a book that discusses the Indian Republic's success in reducing violence. But the success is tentative and conditional. | 30th Jul 2023
Diaspora politics is going to get even more complicated
The risks of engaging overseas Indian communities are growing as a result of new trends in migration, demographics and technology | 17th Jul 2023
New expressways require new behaviour
Policies that change how people drive will have the greatest impact on road safety. | 2nd Jul 2023
On free bus transport for women
The economic benefits to the state could exceed the fiscal cost of free bus transport for women | 19th Jun 2023
Put the important science back into NCERT high school textbooks
The textbook bureaucracy has shown very poor judgement by excluding natural selection, the periodic table and Pythagoras' theorem from Class X textbooks | 5th Jun 2023
“The castes are anti-national”
Caste poses a dilemma for public policy. One the one hand, caste-aware policy perpetuates caste. On the other, caste-agnostic policy permits bias and discrimination to go on unchecked. | 22nd May 2023
The UN needs structural reform to stay relevant
Unless political balance within the United Nations reflects current reality, the organisation will only get more marginalised. | 7th May 2023
We have a historic opportunity to shape the world order of the information age
India has an interest in cooperating with other liberal democracies for information freedom across the planet. | 1st May 2023
What we should do about AI now
To protect cognitive autonomy governments should mandate labeling of AI-generated information goods | 10th Apr 2023
Defending a free and open information order
The battle to defend the Internet is looking a lot like the battle to preserve liberal democracy | 10th Apr 2023
We mustn’t let young minds live in constant fear of an apocalypse
To save the world, first stop scaring the mickey out of children | 28th Mar 2023
Why the powerful must read books
And why citizens must hold the feet of the powerful to the fire | 16th Mar 2023
Rethink local government
There is a wide(ening?) gap between the promise of decentralisation and the reality of panchayats & municipal bodies. | 13th Mar 2023
English is an Indian language
Appropriating the language serves India's interests better than rejecting it as a foreign one | 27th Feb 2023
India & the US must cooperate to create a global information order
Summary of my speech to a US Senate delegation | 24th Feb 2023
Geoeconomic Competition in the Indo-Pacific: Trade, Technology, and Information Warfare
My lecture at College of Defence Management's session on "Great Power rivalry in the Indo-Pacific" | 16th Feb 2023
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