January 5, 201026/11BritainForeign AffairsIndiajihadisMumbaiterrorism

Where’s David Miliband now?

Shouldn’t he tell his boss to be alive to the impact of his government’s counter-terrorism strategies on minorities?”
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

The New York Times reports that a radical Islamic group planning a protest march through the streets of a town that has achieved iconic status in Britain for honoring the passing hearses of British soldiers killed in Afghanistan ran into a stiff rebuff from the British government on Monday.” The British prime minister has stated that he is appalled” and the home secretary has indicated that he is inclined to ban the rally.

Where’s that cabinet colleague of theirs, David Miliband? The British foreign secretary had found it appropriate to speak at the site of a terrorist massacre at Mumbai’s Taj Mahal hotel and lecture his hosts on the need to be alive to the impact of our counter-terrorism strategies on minorities.”

We strongly agree with Gordon Brown that any attempt to use this location to cause further distress and suffering to those who have lost loved ones would be abhorrent and offensive.”

That’s exactly what we want to impress upon Mr Miliband.

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