December 2, 2006EconomyForeign AffairsSecurity

Sunday Signals

Pointing and thinking from out of the tank
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

States in India’s neighbourhood are on the brink — why so, and why India has become part of the scenery.

Deciphering China is tough (well, not for some). And we need a Chinese Mitrokhin.

Kashmiri separatists — some who think ethnic cleansing can be explained away by youthful indiscretion, and some whose words are taken a little too seriously. Here’s why the jihadis can’t stop fighting. Reporting Pakistani duplicity in the war on terror is as dangerous as it was.

On the Sachar Committee’s reportless patronisation and more economic freedom will benefit Muslims (and, for that matter, everyone else)

Is the economy bubbling?

(These are some of the posts that appeared on INI Signal this week.)

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What’s that they say about justice delayed?
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