March 4, 2006Foreign Affairs

Empowered the electronic media? Ask Pakistani bloggers…

…if you can reach them.
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

It can’t get worse than this. On the day Pakistanis were raising online banners protesting the Pakistani authorities hamfisted move to block access to blogspot Gen Musharraf was saying this:

Then we have empowered also — we have liberated the media and the press. If you see this press today sitting around here, and the media, previously there was only one Pakistan television. Today there are dozens of channels. All these people sitting around are the result of my democratization of Pakistan, opening the Pakistan society of the media — the print media and the electronic media, both. And they’re totally liberated. [White House]

It is a fair argument that authorities have a legitimate right to ban access to those sites that violate the law of the land. But the brazen, indiscriminate and mindless manner in which Pakistan did it only proves Musharraf’s lie.

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