May 17, 2004 ☼ Foreign Affairs
I could not understand why the representatives of European Parliament were insistent on associating themselves with the talks between India and Pakistan. They wanted a resolution to be adopted for that purpose. Europe is part of the West which has lost its credibility after what has happened to Iraq at the hands of America.
What swung the opinion at the Brussels Discourse against European Parliament’s intervention was the intense hatred that the fate of Iraq had evoked in the Islamic world. The Kashmir expatriates and the Pakistanis present at the discourse were conscious of what would happen to Kashmir if Europe were to be involved. It was satisfying to see that the offer of “good offices” by European Parliament was rejected. [Deccan Herald]Both parties having said ‘no thank you’ must surely have put the egg firmly on the face of Mr James Elles, MEP. The fact that his boss, Michael Howard of the British Conservative party is supporting the war in Iraq and its subsequent occupation does not seem to have struck as a dissonant note to the honourable MEP from Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire.
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